On friday, we went to the beach in Narbonne, about a 2 hour drive there.Along the drive along the beach front homes, i spotted a Kansas City sign above a house, seriously what are the odds of that? The beach was really pretty, and the water was fairly clear compared to home, although the waves were wimpy=( other than that, really nice.We swam awhile and then we went to downtown Narbonne. It was really cool, we walked and shopped a bit and i got to eat some good ol' McDonald's. That evening we made our way to the hotel for the french district assembly, in the nearby city of Bezier. The assembly was in an outside rugby stadium.When we arrived at the hotel, we were a little surprised. Not the cleanest place, kinda scary to be honest. I guess thats what you get when you book a hotel that doesn't have pictures on the website (cough cough, nikki). I was welcomed to my bed by a bug, comforting.I suppose its just something to laugh at, the best part though were the showers, and the beds.The shower, well it wasn't exactly a shower, more like a bathtub, and a hose. On the first night kaley and i got water ALL over the place and mom got really mad.The next night when mom told me to take a shower kaley and i had a good laugh when i retorted saying 'you mean go hose down?'.Kaley and I also had a good laugh when we were talking about the beds, i compared the 2 inch thick mattress to sleeping on cotton balls. Anyway, we woke up the next morning, and went of to the assembly.There was shade over the seats, so the morning wasn't so bad, kaley read the 2008 yearbook, and i read the entire new brochure on evolution that morning. When lunch came around it was HOT, i think about 100 degrees, and kaley and i were exhausted so we went outside the arena and found a tree, put down a blanket and took a nap. When we went back inside the arena about an hour into the afternoon session, it was really hot by then.We soon were spraying ourselves with water, they make spray water in aerosol cans here, who though of that?genius. I don't think we have that back home.After awhile, everyone was spraying themselves with the stuff.Then came along something quite humorous. A brother, an attendant I'm assuming was walking up and down the aisles misting people with water.What was he using you may ask? I don't know what they're called, but those things the bug exterminator uses to spray your house? thats what he was using walking up and down the aisles spraying everyone.That was a good laugh.That evening we went back to the hotel and went out to eat at a restaurant in the center of the town.Next morning, we headed to the assembly in hope that it wouldn't be as hot as the previous day and fortunately, it wasn't.When we arrived at the assembly, kaley and i found a spot at the very top of the stadium, not in the seats but a flat part, kinda like at Kemper, you know at the top, like that.We decided to camp out there, and it was way more comfortable than the seats. We ate lunch with jean-claude and claudia, and the drama- well i didn't get much out of it. After the assembly we went to the beach in St. Pierre, a very touristy spot, but nonetheless, really nice. We swam awhile and then ate at some restaurant, it was okay. I kind of lost my appetite after looking at what my dad ordered,and watching him eat it. Fried sardines, he just ate the whole thing, bones, eyes and all. I hate seafood, so this was really gross to me.Anyway, we ate ice cream for dessert, and got back on the road to Quillan at about to 10 pm, and got back at about 12. I was happy to have a nice shower and nice bed when we got back.
Kansas CIty sign

mom and kaley at dinner
dads nasty meal..in my opinion
jean claude calls those his FBI glasses,lol

me,kaley,mom,and johnny
Camping at the assembly
Dad and JC

hosing off in the tub
eating dinner after the assembly
notice the curtain falling off the wall, haha
Stade de la Mediteranne
the stadium
carrying lunch
centre ville in Bezier
eating some goodies at a boucherie
Narbonne Centre Ville
Kaley at Narbonne beach